Pet Care in Fenwick

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Madison R.
  • From $10
  • Fenwick
Kind, caring, adventurous, responsible, and honest.
| My name is Madison, I am 19 years old and have working on a farm since I was 14 but have been around the industries since I could walk! I have dog sat for many people within my family before, as well as family friends and people who have recommended me to others! I have also had dogs of my own and currently have 2 cats.
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  • From $10
  • Fenwick
Kind, caring, adventurous, responsible, and honest.
| My name is Madison, I am 19 years old and have working on a farm since I was 14 but have been around the industries since I could walk! I have dog sat for many people within my family before, as well as family friends and people who have recommended me to others! I have also had dogs of my own and currently have 2 cats.
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From $10 \
Kendra E.
  • From $20
  • Fenwick
Kind and passionate about animal care
| I have been around farm animals for 14 years and have cared for them, I have had pets of my own from fish, hamster, cat and dogs
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  • From $20
  • Fenwick
Kind and passionate about animal care
| I have been around farm animals for 14 years and have cared for them, I have had pets of my own from fish, hamster, cat and dogs
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From $20 \
Dawn D.
  • From $10
  • Fenwick
WARNING!!!! Your dog WILL be spoiled. Responsible, trust worthy, compassionate animal lover.
| I am a responsible 45 year old woman who loves animals. I recently lost our fur baby (golden retriever) and am not quite ready to get another pet. I have dog sat 3 friends dogs in the last 6 months and am really enjoying it. I thought this may be a good fit for me to do. I am looking to dog sit, walk, and can do overnights. I have a large fenced yard in Fenwick which also has traffic free country roads to walk your dog. Your dog would be in good hands!!! Hope to hear from you.
... more
  • From $10
  • Fenwick
WARNING!!!! Your dog WILL be spoiled. Responsible, trust worthy, compassionate animal lover.
| I am a responsible 45 year old woman who loves animals. I recently lost our fur baby (golden retriever) and am not quite ready to get another pet. I have dog sat 3 friends dogs in the last 6 months and am really enjoying it. I thought this may be a good fit for me to do. I am looking to dog sit, walk, and can do overnights. I have a large fenced yard in Fenwick which also has traffic free country roads to walk your dog. Your dog would be in good hands!!! Hope to hear from you.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Fenwick

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