Pet Care in Stevensville

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Holly M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Stevensville
1 Verification
Strong sensitive women
| I have had dogs my whole life as well as small animals and fish, I currently have 3 dogs and 2 birds at home
... more
  • From $10
  • Stevensville
Strong sensitive women
| I have had dogs my whole life as well as small animals and fish, I currently have 3 dogs and 2 birds at home
... more
From $10 \
Brittany P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Stevensville
1 Verification
I enjoy being able to help and share my time with animals!
| I have been pet sitting for many years, working with rescues and poorly socialized dogs. With multiple years experience working in small animal veterinary clinics and over 15 years working with horses I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience. Taking dogs to parks and going for walks has been a great way to help keep people’s pets healthy!
... more
  • From $10
  • Stevensville
I enjoy being able to help and share my time with animals!
| I have been pet sitting for many years, working with rescues and poorly socialized dogs. With multiple years experience working in small animal veterinary clinics and over 15 years working with horses I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience. Taking dogs to parks and going for walks has been a great way to help keep people’s pets healthy!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Stevensville

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