Pet Care in Sydney Mines

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Bethany L.
Hired once
  • From $10
  • Sydney Mines
Hired once
Animal sitter with farm experience
| Hi I'm Bethany I an a big animal lover with dream of running my own farm one day. I have experience working on a hobby farm. I was one of the main care takers for the animals. I have experience with feeding, companionship, general care, cleaning stalls/houses/coops. I have working with dogs and puppies, goats, pigs and piglets, alpacas. I also have experience working as a barn hand at an Horse Riding School where I fed the horses and turned them in and out to pasture. I am comfortable with lots of different animals and have such a heart for them. I have part time availability. If you think I might be a good match feel free to get in touch.
... more
  • From $10
  • Sydney Mines
Animal sitter with farm experience
| Hi I'm Bethany I an a big animal lover with dream of running my own farm one day. I have experience working on a hobby farm. I was one of the main care takers for the animals. I have experience with feeding, companionship, general care, cleaning stalls/houses/coops. I have working with dogs and puppies, goats, pigs and piglets, alpacas. I also have experience working as a barn hand at an Horse Riding School where I fed the horses and turned them in and out to pasture. I am comfortable with lots of different animals and have such a heart for them. I have part time availability. If you think I might be a good match feel free to get in touch.
... more
We are SO lucky that Bethany is caring for our 9mo baby."
... "more
Reviewed by Leigh G.
From $10 \
Bethany L.
  • From $15
  • Sydney Mines
Farm experience
| I have worked on farms throughout the last few years and I have experience taking care of dogs, pigs, goats, alpacas, horses, chickens, etc. I am a very reliable and responsible care taker with a big heart for animals.
... more
  • From $15
  • Sydney Mines
Farm experience
| I have worked on farms throughout the last few years and I have experience taking care of dogs, pigs, goats, alpacas, horses, chickens, etc. I am a very reliable and responsible care taker with a big heart for animals.
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Sydney Mines

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