Pet Care in Dominion

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Deepanshu C.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $15
  • Dominion
1 Verification Hired once
i have a lot of skills and knowledge about dogs and cats
| i have a female Labrador in India her name is daisy ,i have been taking care of her since 2.5 years and i was in a NGO in india in which we help the poor or stray animals which are in need and i know a lot of things about and cats as well .my dog was in labour and i helped her with her litters she starting give birth to puppies at 7 pm and she gave birth to last puppy at 2 am i was with her when the puppy came i cleaned it and gave to her so she can not get nervous and she can lick her to show mother love.
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  • From $15
  • Dominion
i have a lot of skills and knowledge about dogs and cats
| i have a female Labrador in India her name is daisy ,i have been taking care of her since 2.5 years and i was in a NGO in india in which we help the poor or stray animals which are in need and i know a lot of things about and cats as well .my dog was in labour and i helped her with her litters she starting give birth to puppies at 7 pm and she gave birth to last puppy at 2 am i was with her when the puppy came i cleaned it and gave to her so she can not get nervous and she can lick her to show mother love.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Dominion

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