Pet Care in Sunderland

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Amanda G.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Sunderland
1 Verification
WFH Mom looking for more fur friends :)
| Hi there! I have always had pets of my own, since I was a small child. I've had cats, dogs, bunnies, birds, and even fish. I love all animals. I had two bonded cats until they both crossed the rainbow bridge at the ages of 14 and 16 years old, about 4-5 years ago now. We adopted our Golden Doodle, Moose, 3 years ago as a puppy. Moose is a sweet soul. He loves people (kids too) and other dogs, and though he's never met a cat up close, I bet he'd love them as well since his bff is a 12 year old Shih Tzu. All of this to say, I would love to meet you and your fur babies, and see if I can help you out with caring for them while you are away! I offer dog walking, drop-in visits, boarding and housing sitting services. As a life long pet parent, I understand the stress that comes along with having to leave your fur babies in the care of a stranger. I would love the opportunity to help you feel at ease while you are away.
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  • From $15
  • Sunderland
WFH Mom looking for more fur friends :)
| Hi there! I have always had pets of my own, since I was a small child. I've had cats, dogs, bunnies, birds, and even fish. I love all animals. I had two bonded cats until they both crossed the rainbow bridge at the ages of 14 and 16 years old, about 4-5 years ago now. We adopted our Golden Doodle, Moose, 3 years ago as a puppy. Moose is a sweet soul. He loves people (kids too) and other dogs, and though he's never met a cat up close, I bet he'd love them as well since his bff is a 12 year old Shih Tzu. All of this to say, I would love to meet you and your fur babies, and see if I can help you out with caring for them while you are away! I offer dog walking, drop-in visits, boarding and housing sitting services. As a life long pet parent, I understand the stress that comes along with having to leave your fur babies in the care of a stranger. I would love the opportunity to help you feel at ease while you are away.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in Sunderland

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