Pet Care in Oakwood

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Emily G.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Oakwood
1 Verification
I provide pets with all the love and care I would give to my own pet.
| My name is Emily, I am a very positive, self motivated, hardworking, friendly and open minded individual. I am an experienced pet owner. I’ve had 2 dogs, multiple small pets such as Guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, etc., I have had cats as well. I love caring for pets as they are family. I have reliable transportation as well.
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  • From $10
  • Oakwood
I provide pets with all the love and care I would give to my own pet.
| My name is Emily, I am a very positive, self motivated, hardworking, friendly and open minded individual. I am an experienced pet owner. I’ve had 2 dogs, multiple small pets such as Guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, etc., I have had cats as well. I love caring for pets as they are family. I have reliable transportation as well.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Oakwood

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