Pet Care in Seagrave

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Trish D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Seagrave
1 Verification
professional Pet sitter and Dog walker.
| I am a professional pet sitter and dog walker. I have 15 years experience caring for dogs of various sizes, from large 140 Shiloh Sheppards to small dogs. I take them into my home for over night stays for a week. I have gone to clients homes to walk their dogs and provide feeding. I have done my pet CPR and I have owned two of my own dogs. I also do cat care while your away. I will do daily visits while your at work, and I have a car so I can travel. I will provide vet visits if you need it. I have good references of clients I have worked for in their homes.
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  • From $10
  • Seagrave
professional Pet sitter and Dog walker.
| I am a professional pet sitter and dog walker. I have 15 years experience caring for dogs of various sizes, from large 140 Shiloh Sheppards to small dogs. I take them into my home for over night stays for a week. I have gone to clients homes to walk their dogs and provide feeding. I have done my pet CPR and I have owned two of my own dogs. I also do cat care while your away. I will do daily visits while your at work, and I have a car so I can travel. I will provide vet visits if you need it. I have good references of clients I have worked for in their homes.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Seagrave

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