Pet Care in Shad Bay

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Jasmine S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Shad Bay
1 Verification
Motivated & Loyal Veterinary Assistant
| Hello i'm Jasmine, I am originally born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I've had a life long passion and love for all animals which has led me to pursue a personal goal within myself and utilize every chance to interact with clients and pets. My experiences over the years has led me to progress working as a Veterinary Assistant in a hospital/clinic atmosphere, and l also enjoy my time outdoors adventuring nature. I've been with Petsitters and Care website facilities for the last year, keeping clients comfortable, happy, a peace in mind, and the utmost care for you and your fur babies has always been my specialty! Certificates: - Animal First Aid 2018 - Animal Nutrition Fundamentals from Royal Canin - Animal Handling/Restraint Techniques
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  • From $10
  • Shad Bay
Motivated & Loyal Veterinary Assistant
| Hello i'm Jasmine, I am originally born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I've had a life long passion and love for all animals which has led me to pursue a personal goal within myself and utilize every chance to interact with clients and pets. My experiences over the years has led me to progress working as a Veterinary Assistant in a hospital/clinic atmosphere, and l also enjoy my time outdoors adventuring nature. I've been with Petsitters and Care website facilities for the last year, keeping clients comfortable, happy, a peace in mind, and the utmost care for you and your fur babies has always been my specialty! Certificates: - Animal First Aid 2018 - Animal Nutrition Fundamentals from Royal Canin - Animal Handling/Restraint Techniques
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From $10 \
Cassidy M.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Shad Bay
1 Verification
All animals deserve a chance.
| Hi, My name is Cassidy, I am 23 years old. Most of my experience comes from dealings with my own pets. We had 2 snakes and 3 past dogs ranging in sizes, fish of many kind and afew lizards. Currently we have 2 dogs medium and medium large, and a cat. I believe that any and all animals no matter thier breed or species deserve a chance to be equally treated with love and recpect, with keeping in mind that their owner knows them best and to take their advice on how to best interact with thier pets. I have taken check-in care and dog sitting in the past for neighbours and family friends. I can administer medication in the forms of pills/capsules and oral syringes, as that is my experience. I do not know how to administer medication through shots/needles.
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  • From $10
  • Shad Bay
All animals deserve a chance.
| Hi, My name is Cassidy, I am 23 years old. Most of my experience comes from dealings with my own pets. We had 2 snakes and 3 past dogs ranging in sizes, fish of many kind and afew lizards. Currently we have 2 dogs medium and medium large, and a cat. I believe that any and all animals no matter thier breed or species deserve a chance to be equally treated with love and recpect, with keeping in mind that their owner knows them best and to take their advice on how to best interact with thier pets. I have taken check-in care and dog sitting in the past for neighbours and family friends. I can administer medication in the forms of pills/capsules and oral syringes, as that is my experience. I do not know how to administer medication through shots/needles.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Shad Bay

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