Pet Care in Chester

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Alayna S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Chester
1 Verification
Love walking dogs
| Hello, My name is Ally. I have walked dogs before and I am use to walking all different size dogs. I also have experience working with dogs who have special needs and older dogs who just need a little more time to walk.
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  • From $10
  • Chester
Love walking dogs
| Hello, My name is Ally. I have walked dogs before and I am use to walking all different size dogs. I also have experience working with dogs who have special needs and older dogs who just need a little more time to walk.
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From $10 \
Sandra M.
  • From $10
  • Chester
Loving PawsNPets
| When I talk about training and grooming I meant bath, dry and brush. Training I mean like sit, stay and lay down that type of training. Other than that I grew up with 15 cats and 3 dogs. I used to watch my mother helping birth puppies and kittens etc...I have years. Animals are therapy and I love animals. I am looking to try and make this my permanent work.
... more
  • From $10
  • Chester
Loving PawsNPets
| When I talk about training and grooming I meant bath, dry and brush. Training I mean like sit, stay and lay down that type of training. Other than that I grew up with 15 cats and 3 dogs. I used to watch my mother helping birth puppies and kittens etc...I have years. Animals are therapy and I love animals. I am looking to try and make this my permanent work.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Chester

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