Pet Care in Sambro

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Clarissa H.
  • From $10
  • Sambro
Pet caregiving with years of experience!
| Hi there! I am a motivated young adult with many years of experience caring for animals. I have volunteered on various farms and at stables helping care for horses, cows, dogs, cats, chickens, goats and other animals! I’ve had many dogs and cats as well as small mammals growing up, and still have a couple dogs and cats of my own. Many times this year I have taken care of my sisters two exotic kittens for days at a time, who require more care than the regular cat (administering medication, special feeding, weeping eye care). I’d love to hear from you!
... more
  • From $10
  • Sambro
Pet caregiving with years of experience!
| Hi there! I am a motivated young adult with many years of experience caring for animals. I have volunteered on various farms and at stables helping care for horses, cows, dogs, cats, chickens, goats and other animals! I’ve had many dogs and cats as well as small mammals growing up, and still have a couple dogs and cats of my own. Many times this year I have taken care of my sisters two exotic kittens for days at a time, who require more care than the regular cat (administering medication, special feeding, weeping eye care). I’d love to hear from you!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Sambro

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