Pet Care in New Lowell

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Amanda T.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • New Lowell
1 Verification
Experienced and Dedicated Pet Care Provider
| With over 2 decades of experience working with various pets, I offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each furry friend. My skills include dog walking, basic training, administering medications, and providing attentive care. Whether it's dog walking, pet sitting or drop ins, I ensure a safe and stimulating environment for pets under my care. Additionally, I prioritize clear communication with pet owners to understand their expectations and ensure their pets receive the best possible care. My passion for animals drives me to continuously expand my knowledge and skills to provide top-notch service and build lasting relationships with both pets and their owners.
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  • From $20
  • New Lowell
Experienced and Dedicated Pet Care Provider
| With over 2 decades of experience working with various pets, I offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each furry friend. My skills include dog walking, basic training, administering medications, and providing attentive care. Whether it's dog walking, pet sitting or drop ins, I ensure a safe and stimulating environment for pets under my care. Additionally, I prioritize clear communication with pet owners to understand their expectations and ensure their pets receive the best possible care. My passion for animals drives me to continuously expand my knowledge and skills to provide top-notch service and build lasting relationships with both pets and their owners.
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From $20 \
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Pet Care in New Lowell

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