Pet Care in Angus

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Ashley F.
  • From $10
  • Angus
Ashley F. | Animal lover
| Hello to whoever this may concern! My name is Ashley, I am 18 years old and I love animals! I with my mom and stepfather. Between the two homes I reside in with both of my parents, I help take care of 4 small dogs, 1 cat, and 4 rats. I have lived with pets my whole life and would consider myself experienced enough for a pet sitting position. I am open to caring for any at home pets, and am willing to adjust to any situation put in front of me to better the experience for the animal(s). I am excited to hear from you! Thank you for your time.
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  • From $10
  • Angus
Ashley F. | Animal lover
| Hello to whoever this may concern! My name is Ashley, I am 18 years old and I love animals! I with my mom and stepfather. Between the two homes I reside in with both of my parents, I help take care of 4 small dogs, 1 cat, and 4 rats. I have lived with pets my whole life and would consider myself experienced enough for a pet sitting position. I am open to caring for any at home pets, and am willing to adjust to any situation put in front of me to better the experience for the animal(s). I am excited to hear from you! Thank you for your time.
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From $10 \
Stephanie C.
  • From $10
  • Angus
Avid animal caregiver for your consideration!
| I am an equestrian and avid animal lover. I own and train horses, and have volunteered at animal sanctuaries, rescues, adoption agencies and training facilities. I strive to put the best paw, hoof and claw forward in your furry friend’s daily life, and love giving the care they need and very well deserve! I look forward to working with you and meeting your adorable family member!
... more
  • From $10
  • Angus
Avid animal caregiver for your consideration!
| I am an equestrian and avid animal lover. I own and train horses, and have volunteered at animal sanctuaries, rescues, adoption agencies and training facilities. I strive to put the best paw, hoof and claw forward in your furry friend’s daily life, and love giving the care they need and very well deserve! I look forward to working with you and meeting your adorable family member!
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From $10 \
Kate J.
  • From $10
  • Angus
I’m Kate. Mom if one and a fur mama to many. I have 3 cats, 135 pound Shepard & 2 Axolotls
| I have worked in the grooming business for 8 years on and off between going to college and having my daughter a year ago. Animals love my presence because I’m a calm nurturing person. I do dogs sit as long as your dog is good with others. Please feel free to send me a message:) NO SNAKES
... more
  • From $10
  • Angus
I’m Kate. Mom if one and a fur mama to many. I have 3 cats, 135 pound Shepard & 2 Axolotls
| I have worked in the grooming business for 8 years on and off between going to college and having my daughter a year ago. Animals love my presence because I’m a calm nurturing person. I do dogs sit as long as your dog is good with others. Please feel free to send me a message:) NO SNAKES
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From $10 \
Sabrina M.
  • From $10
  • Angus
Pet Sitter Shelter dog walker
| I used to have a cat and a dog, they both lived until they were very old. Casey, my cat was 16 when she passed and Willy, my dog was 13. I miss them very much. I was responsible for walking Willy, cleaning the kitty litter and feeding the animals. I now have my own dog and experience dog walking at the animal shelter in town.
... more
  • From $10
  • Angus
Pet Sitter Shelter dog walker
| I used to have a cat and a dog, they both lived until they were very old. Casey, my cat was 16 when she passed and Willy, my dog was 13. I miss them very much. I was responsible for walking Willy, cleaning the kitty litter and feeding the animals. I now have my own dog and experience dog walking at the animal shelter in town.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Angus

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