Senior Care in New Lowell

Choose from 143 senior caregivers in your area.
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Annette C.
1 Verification Hired 3 times
  • From $30 /hr
  • New Lowell
1 Verification Hired 3 times
Personal Care Assistant for Senior Care
| I am a friendly, outgoing, and professional individual who takes great pride in providing compassionate and reliable assistance to others. I enjoy building meaningful connections through activities like playing cards, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and sharing life experiences. My dedication to supporting seniors extends beyond basic care to fostering companionship and trust. I have extensive experience assisting seniors with their day-to-day needs, including personal care, household tasks (laundry, meal preparation, housekeeping), shopping, and medication administration. Additionally, I provide transportation for errands and doctor’s appointments, ensuring convenience and peace of mind (mileage charged at $0.50/km). I approach my work with empathy, respect, and attention to detail, tailoring my care to each individual's unique preferences and needs. My goal is to enhance their quality of life, offering not only practical support but also companionship that brings joy and comfort to their daily lives.
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • New Lowell
Personal Care Assistant for Senior Care
| I am a friendly, outgoing, and professional individual who takes great pride in providing compassionate and reliable assistance to others. I enjoy building meaningful connections through activities like playing cards, engaging in heartfelt conversations, and sharing life experiences. My dedication to supporting seniors extends beyond basic care to fostering companionship and trust. I have extensive experience assisting seniors with their day-to-day needs, including personal care, household tasks (laundry, meal preparation, housekeeping), shopping, and medication administration. Additionally, I provide transportation for errands and doctor’s appointments, ensuring convenience and peace of mind (mileage charged at $0.50/km). I approach my work with empathy, respect, and attention to detail, tailoring my care to each individual's unique preferences and needs. My goal is to enhance their quality of life, offering not only practical support but also companionship that brings joy and comfort to their daily lives.
... more
From $30 per hour \
Nancy H.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $30 /hr
  • New Lowell
1 Verification Hired once
Considerate, loving and caring PSW, Senior caregiver
| 14 years long term care. Personal care, medication assistance, physio assistance, housework, outings, groceries and errands, food prepare
... more
  • From $30 /hr
  • New Lowell
Considerate, loving and caring PSW, Senior caregiver
| 14 years long term care. Personal care, medication assistance, physio assistance, housework, outings, groceries and errands, food prepare
... more
From $30 per hour \
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Senior Care in New Lowell

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