Pet Care in Headingley

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Fionnagh S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Headingley
1 Verification
Experienced, Reliable, Loving Pet Care
| I'm a 23 y/o who has had nearly 12 years of pet care experience. I currently have one dog (a German Shepherd cross) and 3 cats. All animals were rescues and came with their own challenges. I am experienced in house-training/pad-training animals. My main focus is in-home pet-sitting (at your home), but I also love to care for animals in any capacity! My experience includes animals aged 6weeks-senior animals, and animals of all sizes!
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  • From $10
  • Headingley
Experienced, Reliable, Loving Pet Care
| I'm a 23 y/o who has had nearly 12 years of pet care experience. I currently have one dog (a German Shepherd cross) and 3 cats. All animals were rescues and came with their own challenges. I am experienced in house-training/pad-training animals. My main focus is in-home pet-sitting (at your home), but I also love to care for animals in any capacity! My experience includes animals aged 6weeks-senior animals, and animals of all sizes!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Headingley

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