Child Care in Headingley

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Jessica Z.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Headingley
1 Verification
Experienced, Fun, Responsible, and Reliable Nanny!
| Having over 7 years experience, I am more than capable of providing childcare services. My experience ranges from newborns, 6 months of age, too young teenagers. As a nanny, I cook, clean, plan activities, grocery shop, do pick-ups and drop-offs, as well as offer tutoring. I love being the nanny that kids look forward to seeing on the regular. It is also worth noting that I have a valid drivers license, CPR certification, as well as the child caregiving certification. References available upon request!
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Headingley
Experienced, Fun, Responsible, and Reliable Nanny!
| Having over 7 years experience, I am more than capable of providing childcare services. My experience ranges from newborns, 6 months of age, too young teenagers. As a nanny, I cook, clean, plan activities, grocery shop, do pick-ups and drop-offs, as well as offer tutoring. I love being the nanny that kids look forward to seeing on the regular. It is also worth noting that I have a valid drivers license, CPR certification, as well as the child caregiving certification. References available upon request!
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From $15 per hour \
Emma S.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Headingley
1 Verification
Early childhood educator.
| I graduated from Westwood collegiate in 2015, I am 21 years old, I had worked at a preschool center for a year full time 5 days a week, as well nannying for families. I have completed a course at Red River college in The Science of Early Education. I also am a professional princess at a children's entertainment business for 3 years going on and I have my CPR certificate as well criminal record is clear and child abuse checked. Other than education I love being outdoors, arts and crafts, cooking/baking as well being physically active as much as I can, I am always happy and a caregiver all children and parents love.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Headingley
Early childhood educator.
| I graduated from Westwood collegiate in 2015, I am 21 years old, I had worked at a preschool center for a year full time 5 days a week, as well nannying for families. I have completed a course at Red River college in The Science of Early Education. I also am a professional princess at a children's entertainment business for 3 years going on and I have my CPR certificate as well criminal record is clear and child abuse checked. Other than education I love being outdoors, arts and crafts, cooking/baking as well being physically active as much as I can, I am always happy and a caregiver all children and parents love.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Headingley

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