Cat Sitters in Headingley

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Arianna R.
  • From $10
  • Headingley
Enthusiastic cat sitter
| Hey! My name is Arianna, I’m an enthusiastic cat lover with lots of free time for the next couple of months (even available on Christmas Day). I’ve owned cats my entire life and am very familiar with: feeding, cleaning litter boxes, spending quality time/playing with your cat, administering medications, transporting to vet appointments with my own vehicle, etc. I’m not willing to do any over night stays. If it helps: I’m a Registered Nurse in Manitoba so criminal record check is clean :) Thanks!!
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  • From $10
  • Headingley
Enthusiastic cat sitter
| Hey! My name is Arianna, I’m an enthusiastic cat lover with lots of free time for the next couple of months (even available on Christmas Day). I’ve owned cats my entire life and am very familiar with: feeding, cleaning litter boxes, spending quality time/playing with your cat, administering medications, transporting to vet appointments with my own vehicle, etc. I’m not willing to do any over night stays. If it helps: I’m a Registered Nurse in Manitoba so criminal record check is clean :) Thanks!!
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From $10 \
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Cat Sitters in Headingley

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