Pet Care in Gravenhurst

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Nicky H.
1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
1 Verification Hired 2 times
Kayla's Furry Friends Dog Walking and Pet Sitting
| My name is Nicky, I work from home as a freelance writer so I am always looking for some extra company. I decided to start working with dogs and cats because of my love of animals and flexibility with my work schedule. I have worked with dogs and cats for many years including different breeds and temperaments. I look forward to meeting your furry friend! :)
... more
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
Kayla's Furry Friends Dog Walking and Pet Sitting
| My name is Nicky, I work from home as a freelance writer so I am always looking for some extra company. I decided to start working with dogs and cats because of my love of animals and flexibility with my work schedule. I have worked with dogs and cats for many years including different breeds and temperaments. I look forward to meeting your furry friend! :)
... more
Absolutely amazing! So blessed to have had her take care of Macee. Reliable, caring, trustworthy... Just wonderful!"
... "more
Reviewed by Connie B.
From $10 \
Jennifer E.
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
Lover of all animals
| I have had pets my entire life and absolutely love them. I worked in a pet store when I was younger. I have a dog and 2 cats at home. My son helps care for.
... more
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
Lover of all animals
| I have had pets my entire life and absolutely love them. I worked in a pet store when I was younger. I have a dog and 2 cats at home. My son helps care for.
... more
From $10 \
Kayla E.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Gravenhurst
1 Verification
Pet Sitter and Walker, available for day visits or overnight!
| Hello! My name is Kayla and I am an animal lover. I have always been around cats and dogs my whole life and im comfortable with them. I've been around some birds but would love the chance to be around them more. I've taken care of family and friends animals before and I've had 3 different cats of my own previously. If you want to know more or are in need of a pet sitter please send me a message!
... more
  • From $15
  • Gravenhurst
Pet Sitter and Walker, available for day visits or overnight!
| Hello! My name is Kayla and I am an animal lover. I have always been around cats and dogs my whole life and im comfortable with them. I've been around some birds but would love the chance to be around them more. I've taken care of family and friends animals before and I've had 3 different cats of my own previously. If you want to know more or are in need of a pet sitter please send me a message!
... more
From $15 \
Patricia C.
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
Pet Sitter ...Over and Above Service and Care ...
| I love all animals ..I have a parrot , canary ...rescued from SPCA . I have 2 tiny boys of my own ... .I have recommendations and many references..
... more
  • From $10
  • Gravenhurst
Pet Sitter ...Over and Above Service and Care ...
| I love all animals ..I have a parrot , canary ...rescued from SPCA . I have 2 tiny boys of my own ... .I have recommendations and many references..
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Gravenhurst

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