Child Care in Gravenhurst

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Caitlin P.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Gravenhurst
1 Verification
Stay at home mom looking to provide childcare
| I'm a stay at home mom and I have childcare experience from before I became a mom. I have a 3 year old daughter, and an almost 5 month old. I'm ideally looking to provide care to another infant that would come to my home for the day. But I'm open to going to a client's home, with my 5 month old, my three year old is currently in daycare. I look forward to hearing from you!
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Gravenhurst
Stay at home mom looking to provide childcare
| I'm a stay at home mom and I have childcare experience from before I became a mom. I have a 3 year old daughter, and an almost 5 month old. I'm ideally looking to provide care to another infant that would come to my home for the day. But I'm open to going to a client's home, with my 5 month old, my three year old is currently in daycare. I look forward to hearing from you!
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From $16 per hour \
Jennifer E.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Gravenhurst
Here to help you..
| I am a single mother, who’s been off work for a bit and I’m looking to make some extra money. I absolutely love children. My son is almost 15 years old. I have 2 nieces I spend a lot of time with (9 and 3). I have been raised by a mother who did childcare at home for many years. I’m an excellent cook. Love to prepare meals for little ones.. I am willing to do child care during the days and evenings if needed. I know how hard it is for parents to find child care to cover afternoon shifts. I will give a daily rate, if it’s over 4 hours in 1 day.. I will do child care in my home. I’m located 2 blocks away from Gravenhurst Public School and 3 from the daycare/ymca. I am also offering my services for evening childcare. Wanna have date night, need a sitter, give me a call.. I’m willing to help you out.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Gravenhurst
Here to help you..
| I am a single mother, who’s been off work for a bit and I’m looking to make some extra money. I absolutely love children. My son is almost 15 years old. I have 2 nieces I spend a lot of time with (9 and 3). I have been raised by a mother who did childcare at home for many years. I’m an excellent cook. Love to prepare meals for little ones.. I am willing to do child care during the days and evenings if needed. I know how hard it is for parents to find child care to cover afternoon shifts. I will give a daily rate, if it’s over 4 hours in 1 day.. I will do child care in my home. I’m located 2 blocks away from Gravenhurst Public School and 3 from the daycare/ymca. I am also offering my services for evening childcare. Wanna have date night, need a sitter, give me a call.. I’m willing to help you out.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Gravenhurst

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