Pet Care in Bracebridge

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Sarah D.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Toronto
1 Verification
Loving Pet Sitter
| Growing up with animals. I have vast experience and absolute love for them! if you need help look after your pet, I would be more than happy!
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  • From $15
  • Toronto
Loving Pet Sitter
| Growing up with animals. I have vast experience and absolute love for them! if you need help look after your pet, I would be more than happy!
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From $15 \
Jasmine K.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
1 Verification
Pet Lovers forever
| I've had many animals I enjoy all animals I love cats dogs reptiles I will put a animal first all the time
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  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Pet Lovers forever
| I've had many animals I enjoy all animals I love cats dogs reptiles I will put a animal first all the time
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From $10 \
Meaghan R.
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
I am responsible, caring, compassionate and
| I have been caring for animals since I was young, I had aspirations to become a vet and did a year coop. I am interested in animals and just genuinely love animals.
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  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
I am responsible, caring, compassionate and
| I have been caring for animals since I was young, I had aspirations to become a vet and did a year coop. I am interested in animals and just genuinely love animals.
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From $10 \
Tammy S.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
1 Verification
I am a reliable loving, trustworthy, honest animal lover!
| Hi there, I am a mother too 4 fur babies and 3 older children. It’s has been my passion since a little girl to work with animals and have a farm full of any kind of animal. I worked in pet stores as a teenager and a young adult we worked under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian who taught me how to administer medication orally and intervinously. I live in Bracebridge where I walk, and take my dogs to the beautiful dog park where we spend up to 2 hours running and playing. I work partime hours early in the mornings and I’m only gone for 6 hours and home by 9 am so I have all day free so I’m looking to do something to occupy my time and why not be available for opportunities like this. Both of my dogs are friendly, neutered up to date on all there shots. They love to play and meet new friends I have two cats one senior who sleeps in her bachelorette apartment we made for her lol and one out door cat that is used to dogs and only comes in doors to eat and sleep or if it’s cold out. I’m loving and attentive but also know how to set the rules and follow instructions. I own my own vehicle so I can travel to your place or mine. Please feel free to contact me for more information.
... more
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
I am a reliable loving, trustworthy, honest animal lover!
| Hi there, I am a mother too 4 fur babies and 3 older children. It’s has been my passion since a little girl to work with animals and have a farm full of any kind of animal. I worked in pet stores as a teenager and a young adult we worked under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian who taught me how to administer medication orally and intervinously. I live in Bracebridge where I walk, and take my dogs to the beautiful dog park where we spend up to 2 hours running and playing. I work partime hours early in the mornings and I’m only gone for 6 hours and home by 9 am so I have all day free so I’m looking to do something to occupy my time and why not be available for opportunities like this. Both of my dogs are friendly, neutered up to date on all there shots. They love to play and meet new friends I have two cats one senior who sleeps in her bachelorette apartment we made for her lol and one out door cat that is used to dogs and only comes in doors to eat and sleep or if it’s cold out. I’m loving and attentive but also know how to set the rules and follow instructions. I own my own vehicle so I can travel to your place or mine. Please feel free to contact me for more information.
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From $10 \
Bernadette D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
1 Verification
Dog/cat sitter!!!
| Hello I'm Bernadette, growing up I have always had dogs and cats, so I wouldn't mind helping you with dog/cat sitting, I do have a young daughter so the dog/cat would have to be okay around her. Thank you for your time and I hope I'm able to help
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  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Dog/cat sitter!!!
| Hello I'm Bernadette, growing up I have always had dogs and cats, so I wouldn't mind helping you with dog/cat sitting, I do have a young daughter so the dog/cat would have to be okay around her. Thank you for your time and I hope I'm able to help
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From $10 \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet caregivers in Bracebridge is between $12 and $16
Hannah H.
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Hi I'm Hannah and I love taking care of animals and children
| Hi there, I have lots of experience in the childcare field and have had dogs/cats throughout my life I have enjoyed caring for. I am excited to help out and get to know your family! Hopefully you consider me - I would say that I am outgoing, thoughtful and creative, and can't wait to hear from you!
... more
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Hi I'm Hannah and I love taking care of animals and children
| Hi there, I have lots of experience in the childcare field and have had dogs/cats throughout my life I have enjoyed caring for. I am excited to help out and get to know your family! Hopefully you consider me - I would say that I am outgoing, thoughtful and creative, and can't wait to hear from you!
... more
From $10 \
Riley D.
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Ready to lend a helping hand :)
| I was a pet sitter/nanny for a year while traveling Australia! Heaps of experience with my own animals as well as close family and friends pets too.
... more
  • From $10
  • Bracebridge
Ready to lend a helping hand :)
| I was a pet sitter/nanny for a year while traveling Australia! Heaps of experience with my own animals as well as close family and friends pets too.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Bracebridge

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