Pet Care in Grand Valley

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1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Grand Valley
1 Verification
Caring, Trustworthy, Pet Lover from the start
| I have an extensive background in working with animals in many different settings - dog walking, pet sitting, vet clinics, animal shelter, etc. I have worked with dogs and cats of all sizes, personalities and behaviours. I have worked with many pets who have different backgrounds so am comfortable working with shy pets too. I have availability during the week from morning to afternoons
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  • From $10
  • Grand Valley
Caring, Trustworthy, Pet Lover from the start
| I have an extensive background in working with animals in many different settings - dog walking, pet sitting, vet clinics, animal shelter, etc. I have worked with dogs and cats of all sizes, personalities and behaviours. I have worked with many pets who have different backgrounds so am comfortable working with shy pets too. I have availability during the week from morning to afternoons
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Grand Valley

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