Pet Care in Belfountain

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Marlena P.
  • From $30
  • Belfountain
I am an animal lover, & have been an owner of many beautiful critters over the years so I have developed an effortless intuitive connection with them ( a personal connection & trust comes with getting to know the individual of course over time:) I currently own two cats; Oscar & Bucket, & a Veiled Chameleon; Gregory. In the past, I have owned love birds, freshwater fish, & a bearded dragon. I have often taken care of dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, etc. — I have experience with walking dogs & playing with them, socializing with cats ( I understand them the most as two of my kids are feline right now:), & have cared for various reptiles understanding their sensitivity to the slightest change to their environment & how crucial that is to their stress levels & therefore their health ( although this applies to any animal, like us — they need to feel safe, cared for, & stimulated ). Please feel free to contact me with any questions at all regarding my experience, availability & rates ( flexible).
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  • From $30
  • Belfountain
I am an animal lover, & have been an owner of many beautiful critters over the years so I have developed an effortless intuitive connection with them ( a personal connection & trust comes with getting to know the individual of course over time:) I currently own two cats; Oscar & Bucket, & a Veiled Chameleon; Gregory. In the past, I have owned love birds, freshwater fish, & a bearded dragon. I have often taken care of dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, etc. — I have experience with walking dogs & playing with them, socializing with cats ( I understand them the most as two of my kids are feline right now:), & have cared for various reptiles understanding their sensitivity to the slightest change to their environment & how crucial that is to their stress levels & therefore their health ( although this applies to any animal, like us — they need to feel safe, cared for, & stimulated ). Please feel free to contact me with any questions at all regarding my experience, availability & rates ( flexible).
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From $30 \
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Pet Care in Belfountain

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