Child Care in Grand Valley

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Katelyn P.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Grand Valley
I am a reliable, dedicated person. I enjoy working with children, with years of experience.
| Hi there, I'm Katelyn. I am 23 years old, from the Shelburne area. I have been a licensed babysitter since I was 12 years old. I've taken care of children from the ages of newborn up to 13 years old. I am a very enthusiastic, energetic, and caring person. I enjoy caring for children of all ages. I would love to discuss the position further! Thanks so much!
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Grand Valley
I am a reliable, dedicated person. I enjoy working with children, with years of experience.
| Hi there, I'm Katelyn. I am 23 years old, from the Shelburne area. I have been a licensed babysitter since I was 12 years old. I've taken care of children from the ages of newborn up to 13 years old. I am a very enthusiastic, energetic, and caring person. I enjoy caring for children of all ages. I would love to discuss the position further! Thanks so much!
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From $25 per hour \
Katrina M.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Grand Valley
4 years of experience with children, certified in Standard First Aid and CPR Level C.
| My name is Katrina! I am currently a McMaster University biology student and have extensive experience working with children. I have 4 years of experience caring for and teaching children ages 2 to 18. I have gained this experience mainly through being an ice skating instructor where I have had experience caring for, teaching and ensuring the safety of up to groups of 10 children at a time. I am certified in Standard First Aid + CPR Level C and always put safety first. Spending time with children gives me energy and I love helping and watching them learn!
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Grand Valley
4 years of experience with children, certified in Standard First Aid and CPR Level C.
| My name is Katrina! I am currently a McMaster University biology student and have extensive experience working with children. I have 4 years of experience caring for and teaching children ages 2 to 18. I have gained this experience mainly through being an ice skating instructor where I have had experience caring for, teaching and ensuring the safety of up to groups of 10 children at a time. I am certified in Standard First Aid + CPR Level C and always put safety first. Spending time with children gives me energy and I love helping and watching them learn!
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Grand Valley

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