Dog Sitters in Woodlawn

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Peter A.
  • From $10
  • Woodlawn
I love dogs and dog walking and training them
| I have managed about 5 dogs at the same time, and from my experience that dogs have different behaviours but yet, all dogs can be trained. I also understand the body languages of dogs, and just like humans thru deserved to be treated properly too. Dogs want to catch fun too, this is when you get to experience the best of them. I want to care for/walk your dog for you
... more
  • From $10
  • Woodlawn
I love dogs and dog walking and training them
| I have managed about 5 dogs at the same time, and from my experience that dogs have different behaviours but yet, all dogs can be trained. I also understand the body languages of dogs, and just like humans thru deserved to be treated properly too. Dogs want to catch fun too, this is when you get to experience the best of them. I want to care for/walk your dog for you
... more
From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Woodlawn

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