Special Needs Care in Woodlawn

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Bria M.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Woodlawn
Graduated Child and Youth Care Practitioner
| Experience includes respite care, residential care, overnight camp, and educational assistant (clinical placement). I have worked with youth ages 5-20 with autism, cognitive delays, Tourette’s, ADHD/ADD, FASD and and various other mental health diagnosis. I am currently working at a camp that serves a variety of cliental such as low resourced, Tourette’s, bereavement, parents with OSIS, children and youth with dwarfism and facial differences, and children of military families. I am the program coordinator at this camp but in previous years worked as an integration specialist (1:1 support staff). I am looking for employment as is September and am willing to work days, evenings, overnights, and weekends. Feel free to email me for resume and references! :)
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Woodlawn
Graduated Child and Youth Care Practitioner
| Experience includes respite care, residential care, overnight camp, and educational assistant (clinical placement). I have worked with youth ages 5-20 with autism, cognitive delays, Tourette’s, ADHD/ADD, FASD and and various other mental health diagnosis. I am currently working at a camp that serves a variety of cliental such as low resourced, Tourette’s, bereavement, parents with OSIS, children and youth with dwarfism and facial differences, and children of military families. I am the program coordinator at this camp but in previous years worked as an integration specialist (1:1 support staff). I am looking for employment as is September and am willing to work days, evenings, overnights, and weekends. Feel free to email me for resume and references! :)
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From $20 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Woodlawn

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