Special Needs Care in Nepean

Choose from 276 special needs caregivers in your area.
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When do you need care?
Denise S.
1 Verification Hired 6 times
  • From $18 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification Hired 6 times
Educator special needs
| I have worked with special needs children for years. It all started when I used to go to work with my sister when I was a lot younger! And then I started caring for a child, I found really rewarding, each accomplishment was a celebration. Whether it was learning to eat, talk or walk, it was great. I feel I have a lot to offer them, I have lots of patience and love.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Nepean
Educator special needs
| I have worked with special needs children for years. It all started when I used to go to work with my sister when I was a lot younger! And then I started caring for a child, I found really rewarding, each accomplishment was a celebration. Whether it was learning to eat, talk or walk, it was great. I feel I have a lot to offer them, I have lots of patience and love.
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From $18 per hour \
  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
Special Needs Home Care Support Attendant
| Home based business working hand in hand with Special Needs Families to provide and coordinate Daily Living Skills and Daily Grooming Skills which may also encompass healthy Menu Planning and positive Interactive Social Activities. Inclusion and exposure to their respective full potential is the ultimate goal we achieve mutually by way of equality. Praise and recognition of their special gifts to our society is rewarded with personal growth.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
Special Needs Home Care Support Attendant
| Home based business working hand in hand with Special Needs Families to provide and coordinate Daily Living Skills and Daily Grooming Skills which may also encompass healthy Menu Planning and positive Interactive Social Activities. Inclusion and exposure to their respective full potential is the ultimate goal we achieve mutually by way of equality. Praise and recognition of their special gifts to our society is rewarded with personal growth.
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From $30 per hour \
Jordyn G.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
Positive and caring DSW looking to work with children with disabilities
| I started working with individuals with developmental disabilities in my final year of Highschool in 2018. I was working in my high schools special needs class for my co op. I enjoyed the experience so much I applied to college for the Developmental Services Worker Program. I am currently a second year DSW student at Algonquin College where I have completed 3 placements, one working in a group home with adults with disabilities and the other 2 in the school board as an Education Assistant working with children with disabilities, I am also currently finishing up my final placement at a group home caring with adults with disabilities. I am naturally very patient and caring which helps me create a great experience for the individuals I am working with. I also have CPI AND BMS training which is mandatory for the DSW program and very important for parents looking for someone the care for their child. I have my own means of transportation so I am very reliable so you don’t have to worry as life with an individual with a disability can be anything but relaxing sometimes, I’m here to help you with that.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
Positive and caring DSW looking to work with children with disabilities
| I started working with individuals with developmental disabilities in my final year of Highschool in 2018. I was working in my high schools special needs class for my co op. I enjoyed the experience so much I applied to college for the Developmental Services Worker Program. I am currently a second year DSW student at Algonquin College where I have completed 3 placements, one working in a group home with adults with disabilities and the other 2 in the school board as an Education Assistant working with children with disabilities, I am also currently finishing up my final placement at a group home caring with adults with disabilities. I am naturally very patient and caring which helps me create a great experience for the individuals I am working with. I also have CPI AND BMS training which is mandatory for the DSW program and very important for parents looking for someone the care for their child. I have my own means of transportation so I am very reliable so you don’t have to worry as life with an individual with a disability can be anything but relaxing sometimes, I’m here to help you with that.
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From $20 per hour \
Anne C.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
Home caregiver for special needs care
| I am a third year Queen's University nursing student. I have had 3 years of experience working in long term care as a PSW. I have had 2 years experience providing at home care. I am kind and dependable. I want to work with you to meet your goals. Tell me about yourself so that I can individualize the care I give to you.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
Home caregiver for special needs care
| I am a third year Queen's University nursing student. I have had 3 years of experience working in long term care as a PSW. I have had 2 years experience providing at home care. I am kind and dependable. I want to work with you to meet your goals. Tell me about yourself so that I can individualize the care I give to you.
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From $20 per hour \
Brittany T.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Nepean
Brittany - A compassionate, outgoing and approachable caregiver!
| I graduated with a double major in psychology and criminal justice with a minor in business administration. I have previous work experience as an in-home support worker with a dual-diagnosis patient and I have previous experience as a camp counsellor. I am currently earning my MS: Clinical Mental Health Counselling.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Nepean
Brittany - A compassionate, outgoing and approachable caregiver!
| I graduated with a double major in psychology and criminal justice with a minor in business administration. I have previous work experience as an in-home support worker with a dual-diagnosis patient and I have previous experience as a camp counsellor. I am currently earning my MS: Clinical Mental Health Counselling.
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From $15 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Nepean is between $20 and $26
Olga L.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Nepean
DSW graduate looking to help improve the quality of life of others
| I currently work for Deafblind Ontario Services in a group home where I am intervenor to 3 deaf/blind individuals. I provide a bridge to the world for my clients to ensure they are informed and an active participant in every activity through modified sign language. I have also been a nanny twice overseas and have done some respite work so I have an understanding what is expected of me in a household environment. I don't have much experience in elderly care but I did live with my grandmother the last 5 years of her life while she struggled with dementia. If needed, I am willing to with anyone of any age and ability! I am looking to expand my experience in the field of special needs and help individuals live life to their fullest potential.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Nepean
DSW graduate looking to help improve the quality of life of others
| I currently work for Deafblind Ontario Services in a group home where I am intervenor to 3 deaf/blind individuals. I provide a bridge to the world for my clients to ensure they are informed and an active participant in every activity through modified sign language. I have also been a nanny twice overseas and have done some respite work so I have an understanding what is expected of me in a household environment. I don't have much experience in elderly care but I did live with my grandmother the last 5 years of her life while she struggled with dementia. If needed, I am willing to with anyone of any age and ability! I am looking to expand my experience in the field of special needs and help individuals live life to their fullest potential.
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From $15 per hour \
Marquise P.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
beneficiary attendant, care, Nounou
| I am a French-speaking beneficiary attendant with 8 years of experience. I have already worked with several people during my career such as children with autism, the elderly and birth attendants. I am respectful and credible. performance is my strong point.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Nepean
beneficiary attendant, care, Nounou
| I am a French-speaking beneficiary attendant with 8 years of experience. I have already worked with several people during my career such as children with autism, the elderly and birth attendants. I am respectful and credible. performance is my strong point.
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From $16 per hour \
Kendra G.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
Educational Assistant
| I am an Itinerant Educational Assistant with OCDSB looking for occasional employment throughout the summer months. I have been an Educational Assistant for 5 and a half years. I was a childcare provider for over 5 years for many families.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
Educational Assistant
| I am an Itinerant Educational Assistant with OCDSB looking for occasional employment throughout the summer months. I have been an Educational Assistant for 5 and a half years. I was a childcare provider for over 5 years for many families.
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From $20 per hour \
Sandrine S.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Nepean
To abstain a position as a personal support worker
| Hi my name is Sandrine I’m a psw since 2008 I adapt easily to new concepts and responsibilities. Ability to work under pressure and in emotional stressful situations. I dedicated employees and capable to work independently as well in environment
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Nepean
To abstain a position as a personal support worker
| Hi my name is Sandrine I’m a psw since 2008 I adapt easily to new concepts and responsibilities. Ability to work under pressure and in emotional stressful situations. I dedicated employees and capable to work independently as well in environment
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From $25 per hour \
Angelica R.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Nepean
I am a special needs care giver that love to build rapport with each and every client!
| Supervised group outings in the community at museums, farms or a group lunch at mall food court Helping clients be more independent Worked in several group homes with high and low functioning clients Worked in female/ male group home Prepared meals for clients Help assist with hygiene and toileting Write in assessment books for tracking BM,incident reports, communication logs etc. Documented Serious occurrence reports and Incident report
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • Nepean
I am a special needs care giver that love to build rapport with each and every client!
| Supervised group outings in the community at museums, farms or a group lunch at mall food court Helping clients be more independent Worked in several group homes with high and low functioning clients Worked in female/ male group home Prepared meals for clients Help assist with hygiene and toileting Write in assessment books for tracking BM,incident reports, communication logs etc. Documented Serious occurrence reports and Incident report
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From $23 per hour \
Kelsey S.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Nepean
Caregiver with special needs experience
| I am a student at algonquin in the CYC program. I have worked with children, youth and adults with different disabilities over the years and have always enjoyed the work.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Nepean
Caregiver with special needs experience
| I am a student at algonquin in the CYC program. I have worked with children, youth and adults with different disabilities over the years and have always enjoyed the work.
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From $17 per hour \
Julie M.
1 Verification
  • From $40 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
Initiative , empathy and believing in yourself is key to providing the best care for your client.
| I have past and current experience from previous employment. I have worked in group home setting's retirement homes hospitals and clients who live at home where I worked one on one or with the family as a whole. My role in each setting was aimed at what level of care needed. As a Personal support worker or Developmental support worker In which I have both diplomas and more qualified I take my responsibilities seriously. I provide support to adults, children, infants and young adults with dual diagnosis, mental health, autism, rehabilitation and more in activities of daily living such as homemaking, personal care, and developing community and personal development skills in accordance with the persons service plan. I also provide assistance in parents with their children’s daily needs. I know my role in both personal and group settings and take great pride in my role. I also know to respect boundaries and confidentiality. My empathy allows me to understand and appreciate my place of work and those I work with, be it client or co-worker.
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  • From $40 /hr
  • Nepean
Initiative , empathy and believing in yourself is key to providing the best care for your client.
| I have past and current experience from previous employment. I have worked in group home setting's retirement homes hospitals and clients who live at home where I worked one on one or with the family as a whole. My role in each setting was aimed at what level of care needed. As a Personal support worker or Developmental support worker In which I have both diplomas and more qualified I take my responsibilities seriously. I provide support to adults, children, infants and young adults with dual diagnosis, mental health, autism, rehabilitation and more in activities of daily living such as homemaking, personal care, and developing community and personal development skills in accordance with the persons service plan. I also provide assistance in parents with their children’s daily needs. I know my role in both personal and group settings and take great pride in my role. I also know to respect boundaries and confidentiality. My empathy allows me to understand and appreciate my place of work and those I work with, be it client or co-worker.
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From $40 per hour \
Lyssa L.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
Caring professional!
| Hello! I would love the opportunity to speak more about your family! I currently work with children with developmental disabilities. In the past, I have been a part of teams that assist children and adults with physical disabilities and other care concerns. Please let me know your preferred care schedule!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
Caring professional!
| Hello! I would love the opportunity to speak more about your family! I currently work with children with developmental disabilities. In the past, I have been a part of teams that assist children and adults with physical disabilities and other care concerns. Please let me know your preferred care schedule!
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From $20 per hour \
Ciara N.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
Developmental Services Worker
| I graduated from Algonquin College(DSW) on April of 2013. I have been working for an agency that supports persons with developmental disabilities for over 9 years. I also work as an Educational Assistant during the school year. I have worked along side a wide variety of children and adults and have loved every moment of it
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
Developmental Services Worker
| I graduated from Algonquin College(DSW) on April of 2013. I have been working for an agency that supports persons with developmental disabilities for over 9 years. I also work as an Educational Assistant during the school year. I have worked along side a wide variety of children and adults and have loved every moment of it
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From $30 per hour \
Jordanna C.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
I formed therapeutic rapport with clients, improving their overall care.
| Hello, my name is Jordanna! I have over 9 years experience working with children/young adults with special needs and I also have 2 kids myself, one being diagnosed with ASD. I worked at day program caring for children with special needs off and on for multiple years and also have experience doing one on one care in homes. I have experience working as a program coordinator with a youth group. As of September I will be going back to college to complete the DSW program. I have completed my level 2 CPR and first aid training, ASIST, and vulnerable sector check. Please reach out if you have any questions. I am willing to send my resume to provide more detail of my experience. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Nepean
I formed therapeutic rapport with clients, improving their overall care.
| Hello, my name is Jordanna! I have over 9 years experience working with children/young adults with special needs and I also have 2 kids myself, one being diagnosed with ASD. I worked at day program caring for children with special needs off and on for multiple years and also have experience doing one on one care in homes. I have experience working as a program coordinator with a youth group. As of September I will be going back to college to complete the DSW program. I have completed my level 2 CPR and first aid training, ASIST, and vulnerable sector check. Please reach out if you have any questions. I am willing to send my resume to provide more detail of my experience. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!
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From $20 per hour \
Julianna B.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Gatineau
1 Verification
Experienced, patient, and caring respite provider
| Hello! My name is Julianna and I am looking to provide respite care for children or adults with disabilities. I currently work for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board as an Educational Assistant in a Developmental Disability Program. I have over 5 years of experience supporting individuals with disabilities of all age groups in home, school, and recreational settings. I am First Aid and CPR C certified, in addition to a Non-Violent Crisis Intervention certification. Lastly, I have a friendly, open, and warm personality that will help your loved one feel at ease and cared for during our time together.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Gatineau
Experienced, patient, and caring respite provider
| Hello! My name is Julianna and I am looking to provide respite care for children or adults with disabilities. I currently work for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board as an Educational Assistant in a Developmental Disability Program. I have over 5 years of experience supporting individuals with disabilities of all age groups in home, school, and recreational settings. I am First Aid and CPR C certified, in addition to a Non-Violent Crisis Intervention certification. Lastly, I have a friendly, open, and warm personality that will help your loved one feel at ease and cared for during our time together.
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From $16 per hour \
Angela H.
  • From $45 /hr
  • Nepean
How can I help?
| Working as a PSW in the field of addictions and special needs, and myself at times struggling to connect with ADHD, can relate to the struggles of being or caring for a loved one with mental health issues. new to Ottawa, living in Barrhaven. Open to light cleaning, errands, personal companion, housekeeping
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  • From $45 /hr
  • Nepean
How can I help?
| Working as a PSW in the field of addictions and special needs, and myself at times struggling to connect with ADHD, can relate to the struggles of being or caring for a loved one with mental health issues. new to Ottawa, living in Barrhaven. Open to light cleaning, errands, personal companion, housekeeping
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From $45 per hour \
Emily W.
1 Verification
  • From $40 /hr
  • Nepean
1 Verification
Special Education Teacher
| I am an Ontario College of Teachers certified teacher, specialized in Special Education. I have experience working with a variety of individuals with special needs in the recreation scene.
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  • From $40 /hr
  • Nepean
Special Education Teacher
| I am an Ontario College of Teachers certified teacher, specialized in Special Education. I have experience working with a variety of individuals with special needs in the recreation scene.
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From $40 per hour \
Isimenmen G.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Nepean
Personal support worker
| Realiable hard, working and empathetic,loving, let me put a smile on ur love one face, treating them just as you will
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Nepean
Personal support worker
| Realiable hard, working and empathetic,loving, let me put a smile on ur love one face, treating them just as you will
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From $25 per hour \
Brendan P.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
33 year old male trained in CPI/NVCI, CPR, and ASIST.
| I am a physically fit 33 year old male with extensive experience working with children and adults with exceptionalities. I have experience and am comfortable working with behavioural individials. I am trained in CPI/NVCI, CPR, and ASIST. I have a diploma, with honors, from the Social Services Worker Program.
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Nepean
33 year old male trained in CPI/NVCI, CPR, and ASIST.
| I am a physically fit 33 year old male with extensive experience working with children and adults with exceptionalities. I have experience and am comfortable working with behavioural individials. I am trained in CPI/NVCI, CPR, and ASIST. I have a diploma, with honors, from the Social Services Worker Program.
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From $30 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Nepean

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