Dog Sitters in Tottenham

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Donnan Pets
  • From $10
  • Tottenham
All about Dogs! There care there Well Being in everything they need..I have my two very own bulldogs
| Provide exercise for dogs (usually in half-hour or one-hour increments). Pick up and dispose of dog droppings during walks. Check dogs' food and water supply to make sure basic needs are met after walks. Notify owners and pursue veterinary attention for any dog that becomes sick or injured under their supervision.
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  • From $10
  • Tottenham
All about Dogs! There care there Well Being in everything they need..I have my two very own bulldogs
| Provide exercise for dogs (usually in half-hour or one-hour increments). Pick up and dispose of dog droppings during walks. Check dogs' food and water supply to make sure basic needs are met after walks. Notify owners and pursue veterinary attention for any dog that becomes sick or injured under their supervision.
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From $10 \
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Dog Sitters in Tottenham

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