Dog Sitters in Boucherville

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Ocean D.
  • From $15
  • Boucherville
All dogs deserve the love that they need and I'm here to provide it for them
| I had 4 dogs in the past before that I took care of and I truly love them and treat them like a child of my own. I know how to feed and walk my dogs, I love taking care of animals because they make me so happy and helps me get through the day.
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  • From $15
  • Boucherville
All dogs deserve the love that they need and I'm here to provide it for them
| I had 4 dogs in the past before that I took care of and I truly love them and treat them like a child of my own. I know how to feed and walk my dogs, I love taking care of animals because they make me so happy and helps me get through the day.
... more
From $15 \
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Dog Sitters in Boucherville

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