Pet Care in Delson

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Penelope B.
  • From $10
  • Delson
The patient and extra careful sitter
| Hi! I am currently looking to make the day of your babies so much better and exciting! Life goes fast and we don’t always give them the attention they truly deserve. That's why I want to make a small difference in their life and yours! I am a owner of a 100lbs German shepherd X border collie, so big doggy don't scare me ;) I am also looking to start my business in animals care so I want to make good contacts and start slowly , gain experience in this world of loving creatures.
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  • From $10
  • Delson
The patient and extra careful sitter
| Hi! I am currently looking to make the day of your babies so much better and exciting! Life goes fast and we don’t always give them the attention they truly deserve. That's why I want to make a small difference in their life and yours! I am a owner of a 100lbs German shepherd X border collie, so big doggy don't scare me ;) I am also looking to start my business in animals care so I want to make good contacts and start slowly , gain experience in this world of loving creatures.
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Delson

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