Pet Care in Cottam

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Madison T.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Cottam
1 Verification
Passionate animal-loving student looking for animal-care professions
| Experience dealing with puppies, young, and elderly dogs. As a dog and cat owner for my whole life, I love animals, and as someone who lives on a farm, I have cared for and rehabilitated a variety of wild animals, as well as domestic dogs and cats. I have had previous babysitting jobs that were on a farm, where I occasionally cared for kittens, dogs, cows, and horses. My family and I own chickens, and I collect eggs and feed/water the chickens regularly. I am also minoring in anthrozoology in university and I love animals!
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  • From $10
  • Cottam
Passionate animal-loving student looking for animal-care professions
| Experience dealing with puppies, young, and elderly dogs. As a dog and cat owner for my whole life, I love animals, and as someone who lives on a farm, I have cared for and rehabilitated a variety of wild animals, as well as domestic dogs and cats. I have had previous babysitting jobs that were on a farm, where I occasionally cared for kittens, dogs, cows, and horses. My family and I own chickens, and I collect eggs and feed/water the chickens regularly. I am also minoring in anthrozoology in university and I love animals!
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Cottam

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