Pet Care in St Joachim

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Madison C.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • St Joachim
1 Verification
My name is Madison, im a 21 year old girl who absolutely loves animals
| Ever since I can remember, I have had pets (dogs,cats,fish), I have also done horse back riding which entailed taking care of the horses, grooming them, feeding them, cutting their nails, etc. I dog sit for my family members pretty often & my boyfriend also has a bird I help take care of.
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  • From $15
  • St Joachim
My name is Madison, im a 21 year old girl who absolutely loves animals
| Ever since I can remember, I have had pets (dogs,cats,fish), I have also done horse back riding which entailed taking care of the horses, grooming them, feeding them, cutting their nails, etc. I dog sit for my family members pretty often & my boyfriend also has a bird I help take care of.
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From $15 \
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Pet Care in St Joachim

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