Pet Care in Kingsville

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Crystal C.
  • From $10
  • Kingsville
Your dogs bff while your away
| I have been a certified PSW for about 16 years many of those I worked for a home care agency. While I gained experience in the nursing field as well as gaining many useful life skills, I was also blessed to be giving the opportunity to work with my home care clients pets. I provided care and preformed many task from provide proper nutrition, insuring water was fresh, grooming, walking, playing, letting them in/out as needed, so of my clients needed overnight care which ment I also provide any night duties for their pets as well, cleaning cat litter boxes/use bags for doggy waste, provided transportation as well as many more important task. I myself have a beautiful Saint Bernard named Clairabell, a yellow Labrador named Willow she's my sweet old gal then I have the most interesting affectionate cats "SPHYNX" I think they are so amazing and smart their names are Jupiter, Mercury and Venus and I can't for get about "Hairy" the hairless rat. I have cared for and rehomed countless kittens including bottle feeding. I am currently enrolled in a few online courses Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, Veterinary Nursing level 2 and Animal Behaviors.
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  • From $10
  • Kingsville
Your dogs bff while your away
| I have been a certified PSW for about 16 years many of those I worked for a home care agency. While I gained experience in the nursing field as well as gaining many useful life skills, I was also blessed to be giving the opportunity to work with my home care clients pets. I provided care and preformed many task from provide proper nutrition, insuring water was fresh, grooming, walking, playing, letting them in/out as needed, so of my clients needed overnight care which ment I also provide any night duties for their pets as well, cleaning cat litter boxes/use bags for doggy waste, provided transportation as well as many more important task. I myself have a beautiful Saint Bernard named Clairabell, a yellow Labrador named Willow she's my sweet old gal then I have the most interesting affectionate cats "SPHYNX" I think they are so amazing and smart their names are Jupiter, Mercury and Venus and I can't for get about "Hairy" the hairless rat. I have cared for and rehomed countless kittens including bottle feeding. I am currently enrolled in a few online courses Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, Veterinary Nursing level 2 and Animal Behaviors.
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From $10 \
Paige F.
  • From $10
  • Kingsville
Happy human being to take care of your babies.
| Much experience pet sitting. Coming on 10 years total of dog sitting and cat sitting. Includes live in pet sitting as well and extended pet sitting. From cats to border collies to labs to mastiffs- experienced with a variety of sized animals and also those with complex health needs!
... more
  • From $10
  • Kingsville
Happy human being to take care of your babies.
| Much experience pet sitting. Coming on 10 years total of dog sitting and cat sitting. Includes live in pet sitting as well and extended pet sitting. From cats to border collies to labs to mastiffs- experienced with a variety of sized animals and also those with complex health needs!
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From $10 \
Cassie S.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Kingsville
1 Verification
I’m outgoing fun person who loves animals I really want more experience with animals
| I love working with any type of animals I just really want more experience with animals
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  • From $15
  • Kingsville
I’m outgoing fun person who loves animals I really want more experience with animals
| I love working with any type of animals I just really want more experience with animals
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From $15 \
Lauryn C.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Kingsville
1 Verification
Loyal Animal Lover
| My Name is Lauryn, I am 30 years old, love animals especially dogs! I grew up on a farm where I was responsible for feeding and grooming our animals, which includes sheep, horses, dogs, etc. I've been dog sitting for 3 years now and I do have references upon request. I hope to hear from you, Thanks , Lauryn
... more
  • From $10
  • Kingsville
Loyal Animal Lover
| My Name is Lauryn, I am 30 years old, love animals especially dogs! I grew up on a farm where I was responsible for feeding and grooming our animals, which includes sheep, horses, dogs, etc. I've been dog sitting for 3 years now and I do have references upon request. I hope to hear from you, Thanks , Lauryn
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Kingsville

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