Pet Care in Carrying Place

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Soori J.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Carrying Place
1 Verification
Animals are people too
| Feeding and taking care of Dogs and Cats, I grew up on a farm with cows goats and chickens besides multiple cats and dogs. I have looked after many elderly animals of my own. One of them had a life span of 18 years. I currently live with 2 dogs and a Cat. Dogs are 7 and 14 years old and the Cat is 5 years old. I have a valid drivers license and live in Claresholm Alberta. My Charges will depend on how many pets have to be looked after and much time is being spent with them
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  • From $10
  • Carrying Place
Animals are people too
| Feeding and taking care of Dogs and Cats, I grew up on a farm with cows goats and chickens besides multiple cats and dogs. I have looked after many elderly animals of my own. One of them had a life span of 18 years. I currently live with 2 dogs and a Cat. Dogs are 7 and 14 years old and the Cat is 5 years old. I have a valid drivers license and live in Claresholm Alberta. My Charges will depend on how many pets have to be looked after and much time is being spent with them
... more
Anyone looking for a care giver for their pet should contact Soori. Soori looked after my Black Labrador Molly for 10 days over Christmas. Soori visited twice a day and fed, walked and played with Molly. She even offered to bring Molly to her home for care which I May consider in the future. When my flight was cancelled due to inclement weather Soori was there. She texted me every day and even sent pictures. I was very happy with her service and would recommend her to everyone looking for a compassionate caregiver for their pet."
... "more
Reviewed by Sandy S.
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Carrying Place

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