Pet Care in Frankford

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Cody W.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Frankford
1 Verification
Experienced/Trained Veterinary Assistant Seeking Pet Care Job Opportunities
| I am a 24 year old young professional male who recently graduated from the Algonquin College Veterinary Assistant program. I am comfortable around large and small animals and have a true passion for the care and well being of my charges. Through out my life I have owned multiple dogs and cats, reptiles, and rodents. I also took part in horseback riding during my time in Alberta and assisted a close friend in taking care of his cattle and calf's. I currently own 4 cats and two dogs. Given the opportunity I assure you that I would exceed expectations with minimum guidance. Resume and references available on request. Thank you for your time. Cody
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  • From $10
  • Frankford
Experienced/Trained Veterinary Assistant Seeking Pet Care Job Opportunities
| I am a 24 year old young professional male who recently graduated from the Algonquin College Veterinary Assistant program. I am comfortable around large and small animals and have a true passion for the care and well being of my charges. Through out my life I have owned multiple dogs and cats, reptiles, and rodents. I also took part in horseback riding during my time in Alberta and assisted a close friend in taking care of his cattle and calf's. I currently own 4 cats and two dogs. Given the opportunity I assure you that I would exceed expectations with minimum guidance. Resume and references available on request. Thank you for your time. Cody
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From $10 \
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Pet Care in Frankford

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