Child Care in Carrying Place

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Alanna C.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Carrying Place
26 year old Babysitter/Nanny, own vehicle, children of all ages, non smoker, good with pets!
| Hi there, my name is Alanna. I am a 26 year old mother and wife. I live in Carrying Place, Ontario. I own my own transportation, and am a non smoker. I am completely confortable with pets of all kinds, and children of all ages. I have been watching children since I took the babysitters course at age 12. I have watched newborns-ages 13 over the years. I also have experience working with children with learning disabilities, non-verbal, and special needs. I am able to cook, clean, meal prep, bathe, schoolwork, etc. Please contact me if you would like more info or to chat more about a possibility of working together. I look forward to helping your family!
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Carrying Place
26 year old Babysitter/Nanny, own vehicle, children of all ages, non smoker, good with pets!
| Hi there, my name is Alanna. I am a 26 year old mother and wife. I live in Carrying Place, Ontario. I own my own transportation, and am a non smoker. I am completely confortable with pets of all kinds, and children of all ages. I have been watching children since I took the babysitters course at age 12. I have watched newborns-ages 13 over the years. I also have experience working with children with learning disabilities, non-verbal, and special needs. I am able to cook, clean, meal prep, bathe, schoolwork, etc. Please contact me if you would like more info or to chat more about a possibility of working together. I look forward to helping your family!
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Carrying Place

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