Child Care in Port Dover

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Abby S.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $24 /hr
  • Port Dover
1 Verification Hired once
Kind, trustworthy caregiver.
| Hello! I am a registered ECE with experience working in a childcare centre for 2 years. I have now provided care in the home of different families for 2 years. I have experience with twins, multiples and infants. I have a part time nanny position available starting in December 2024. Two days a week! Send me a message here and I should get back to you quickly.
... more
  • From $24 /hr
  • Port Dover
Kind, trustworthy caregiver.
| Hello! I am a registered ECE with experience working in a childcare centre for 2 years. I have now provided care in the home of different families for 2 years. I have experience with twins, multiples and infants. I have a part time nanny position available starting in December 2024. Two days a week! Send me a message here and I should get back to you quickly.
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From $24 per hour \
Nealie B.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Dover
Young , trustworthy , hardworking and fun . Caregiving is so much more than a job.
| Hi ! My name is Nealie Rayne , I’m 23 years old and I live in Port Dover Ontario. While growing up I experienced many cases of watching family members children and infants. As I got older I ran into a nanny job to help out a family friend . I went to their home everyday for a year from 3-9pm. I cared for a 2 year old girl and her two siblings under the age of 8. On occasion I watched the neighbors 1.5 year old as well . It was my responsibility to feed them dinner , make sure homework was completed , they were bathed and went to sleep at an appropriate time . It started off as just a job but became a very full-filling experience and I still keep up with their family to this day. I’ve tried many jobs since then and have grown and matured as a young woman . I have yet to find a career I feel as proud and excited about . Letting someone into your home to care for you family is a very important decision to make and I hope I can bring you comfort in that choice .
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Port Dover
Young , trustworthy , hardworking and fun . Caregiving is so much more than a job.
| Hi ! My name is Nealie Rayne , I’m 23 years old and I live in Port Dover Ontario. While growing up I experienced many cases of watching family members children and infants. As I got older I ran into a nanny job to help out a family friend . I went to their home everyday for a year from 3-9pm. I cared for a 2 year old girl and her two siblings under the age of 8. On occasion I watched the neighbors 1.5 year old as well . It was my responsibility to feed them dinner , make sure homework was completed , they were bathed and went to sleep at an appropriate time . It started off as just a job but became a very full-filling experience and I still keep up with their family to this day. I’ve tried many jobs since then and have grown and matured as a young woman . I have yet to find a career I feel as proud and excited about . Letting someone into your home to care for you family is a very important decision to make and I hope I can bring you comfort in that choice .
... more
From $15 per hour \
Logan L.
  • From $19 /hr
  • Toronto
Very outgoing and energetic. Loves providing care and any help when needed.
| Have been a nanny for 2 different families (live in). Also worked for 4 years helping elderly and disabled with any in home care they needed. Loves cooking and cleaning.
... more
  • From $19 /hr
  • Toronto
Very outgoing and energetic. Loves providing care and any help when needed.
| Have been a nanny for 2 different families (live in). Also worked for 4 years helping elderly and disabled with any in home care they needed. Loves cooking and cleaning.
... more
From $19 per hour \
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Child Care in Port Dover

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