Child Care in Hagersville

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Deila P.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
Compassionate and dedicated Childcare professional
| My name is Deila, I have been running a daycare and or babysitting since I was 15. Skilled in creating engaging and educational activities, promoting positive behavior, and ensuring a safe and stimulating environment. I've watched age groups from newborns to pre-teens. I've done meal prep, school pick ups, day trips most time just to the park. I have done dipper changes, showers and bedtimes. You want light house cleaning I have done it, I have also done deep cleaning.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
Compassionate and dedicated Childcare professional
| My name is Deila, I have been running a daycare and or babysitting since I was 15. Skilled in creating engaging and educational activities, promoting positive behavior, and ensuring a safe and stimulating environment. I've watched age groups from newborns to pre-teens. I've done meal prep, school pick ups, day trips most time just to the park. I have done dipper changes, showers and bedtimes. You want light house cleaning I have done it, I have also done deep cleaning.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Hagersville

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