Babysitters in Hagersville

Select from 132 babysitters near you.

When do you need child care?
Sidney D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
Always there will be on time and let the children know they can come to me for anything
| Hi, I’m Sidney and I’m going to college for educational support and am just looking to make extra money. I love kids and I try my best to understand where they are coming from.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
Always there will be on time and let the children know they can come to me for anything
| Hi, I’m Sidney and I’m going to college for educational support and am just looking to make extra money. I love kids and I try my best to understand where they are coming from.
... more
From $16 per hour \
Hali M.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Hagersville
1 Verification
Enthusiastic Babysitter with over 10 years of unprofessional experience and E.A. qualifications!
| Hi! My name is Hali - I am a newlywed with two step-children of my own - aged 6 and 9). I am currently a student in an E.A. Diploma program, and just recently graduated from the E.A. Certificate program through Lethbridge College (the school is based out of Alberta - but I reside in Ontario and take online classes). I have babysat children of various ages (from newborn up to 12 years of age) for several years now, (over 10 years now) for family and friends. I have never had a babysitting gig as a job but you can be sure your child(ren) would be well cared for and nurtured! Feel free to message me if you have any questions and I look forward to speaking with you! :)
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Hagersville
Enthusiastic Babysitter with over 10 years of unprofessional experience and E.A. qualifications!
| Hi! My name is Hali - I am a newlywed with two step-children of my own - aged 6 and 9). I am currently a student in an E.A. Diploma program, and just recently graduated from the E.A. Certificate program through Lethbridge College (the school is based out of Alberta - but I reside in Ontario and take online classes). I have babysat children of various ages (from newborn up to 12 years of age) for several years now, (over 10 years now) for family and friends. I have never had a babysitting gig as a job but you can be sure your child(ren) would be well cared for and nurtured! Feel free to message me if you have any questions and I look forward to speaking with you! :)
... more
From $15 per hour \
Hali S.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
1 Verification
Experienced & Flexible Babysitter
| CPR/FA for over 5 years - Nonchalantly babysitting for over 8 years - Flexible schedule, available anytime of day/night - Work very well with children, and treat them with the utmost nurturing respect and protection - I also have multiple certificates in conflict resolution
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hagersville
Experienced & Flexible Babysitter
| CPR/FA for over 5 years - Nonchalantly babysitting for over 8 years - Flexible schedule, available anytime of day/night - Work very well with children, and treat them with the utmost nurturing respect and protection - I also have multiple certificates in conflict resolution
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Hagersville

When do you need child care?