Pet Care in Port Dover

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Nara F.
  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Animal lover with minivan.
| Hi there! I have both owned and looked after dogs and cats for friends and family. I adore dog walking and playing with all manner of animals. Animals own my heart and I can identify with them. I am especially drawn to elderly animals.
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  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Animal lover with minivan.
| Hi there! I have both owned and looked after dogs and cats for friends and family. I adore dog walking and playing with all manner of animals. Animals own my heart and I can identify with them. I am especially drawn to elderly animals.
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From $10 \
Marion M.
  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Dedicated pet loving enthusiast for hire
| My experience extents only to my own pets. However, my love for animals is why I am here. I want to be able to give other pets as much love as I give my own. Each pet has its own personality and needs. I enjoy taking the time to understand how they want to be love and loving them as much as I can in this way.
... more
  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Dedicated pet loving enthusiast for hire
| My experience extents only to my own pets. However, my love for animals is why I am here. I want to be able to give other pets as much love as I give my own. Each pet has its own personality and needs. I enjoy taking the time to understand how they want to be love and loving them as much as I can in this way.
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From $10 \
Linda G.
  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Loving care when you can't be there!
| Owned a dog for 14 years and worked as a professional petsitter for 2 years for Pets Plus in PA.
... more
  • From $10
  • Port Dover
Loving care when you can't be there!
| Owned a dog for 14 years and worked as a professional petsitter for 2 years for Pets Plus in PA.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Port Dover

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