Child Care in Norwich

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Raffaella T.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Norwich
1 Verification
Teacher looking for extra income :)
| Hello, My name is Raffaella and I’m in the childcare field for over 10 years. I started as a babysitter in my teenage years, and then focused my studies and interest into child psychology were I began my career. I work at moment as a preschool teacher in a lovely private school. I’m currently looking something that will allow me to get some extra income for my family.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Norwich
Teacher looking for extra income :)
| Hello, My name is Raffaella and I’m in the childcare field for over 10 years. I started as a babysitter in my teenage years, and then focused my studies and interest into child psychology were I began my career. I work at moment as a preschool teacher in a lovely private school. I’m currently looking something that will allow me to get some extra income for my family.
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From $14 per hour \
Katrina D.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Norwich
Babysitter, Nanny, Experienced caring for twins/multiples
| I have been babysitting my family and other children for many years. I also am currently raising my niece (age 3) and nephew (age 6). I am very comfortable with kids ages newborn to teenager
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Norwich
Babysitter, Nanny, Experienced caring for twins/multiples
| I have been babysitting my family and other children for many years. I also am currently raising my niece (age 3) and nephew (age 6). I am very comfortable with kids ages newborn to teenager
... more
From $15 per hour \
Kristen B.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Norwich
1 Verification
Caring, Responsible and Reliable Care Provider
| I am presently graduated from the Social Service Worker program, and my primary job currently is a Developmental Service Worker. I provide care for individuals of all ages with various special needs, disabilities, and mental health struggles. Some of my current skills include personal care, cooking and meal prep, household tasks (cleaning, laundry), supporting individuals during community outings, and providing behavioural support for individuals with complex behaviours. I have additional experience being a care provider as well, having previously worked in a Day Care and babysitting casually for family friends, and was also a live-in care provider/helper for a family member for close to 3 years.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Norwich
Caring, Responsible and Reliable Care Provider
| I am presently graduated from the Social Service Worker program, and my primary job currently is a Developmental Service Worker. I provide care for individuals of all ages with various special needs, disabilities, and mental health struggles. Some of my current skills include personal care, cooking and meal prep, household tasks (cleaning, laundry), supporting individuals during community outings, and providing behavioural support for individuals with complex behaviours. I have additional experience being a care provider as well, having previously worked in a Day Care and babysitting casually for family friends, and was also a live-in care provider/helper for a family member for close to 3 years.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Norwich

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