Pet Care in Norwich

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Jules M C.
  • From $10
  • Norwich
PET CAREGIVER AVAILABLE! Looking forward to meeting your sweet pet (pets)
| I am a young, retired 68 yr old woman, who lives alone. I have worked as a Vet Tech, but mostly worked in the medical/legal field. A few months ago I lost my 18 yr old shih poo and I also lost her best friend, my yellow lab a few yrs before . I have been so lonely without having a dog around. I'm not ready to get another dog for myself, as I'm still in the stage where I feel like I'm betraying my girl. She hasn't been gone for very long. Alot of family and friends suggested I should do pet caregiving to satisfy my love for animals. I now have one awesome pup who comes a couple of times a week and we usually also have a sleep over. I'm loving it so much that I would really enjoy having another pet to care for as well. Please contact me if you are in need for a sitter, walker, driver for appointments, or any other service you require for your sweet dog, cat, rabbit etc,,,, I'm so sorry but no lizards, spiders or snakes Thank you, Jules
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  • From $10
  • Norwich
PET CAREGIVER AVAILABLE! Looking forward to meeting your sweet pet (pets)
| I am a young, retired 68 yr old woman, who lives alone. I have worked as a Vet Tech, but mostly worked in the medical/legal field. A few months ago I lost my 18 yr old shih poo and I also lost her best friend, my yellow lab a few yrs before . I have been so lonely without having a dog around. I'm not ready to get another dog for myself, as I'm still in the stage where I feel like I'm betraying my girl. She hasn't been gone for very long. Alot of family and friends suggested I should do pet caregiving to satisfy my love for animals. I now have one awesome pup who comes a couple of times a week and we usually also have a sleep over. I'm loving it so much that I would really enjoy having another pet to care for as well. Please contact me if you are in need for a sitter, walker, driver for appointments, or any other service you require for your sweet dog, cat, rabbit etc,,,, I'm so sorry but no lizards, spiders or snakes Thank you, Jules
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From $10 \
Katrina D.
  • From $10
  • Norwich
experienced animal help
| I grew up around many different kinds of animals as well as taking care of them.
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  • From $10
  • Norwich
experienced animal help
| I grew up around many different kinds of animals as well as taking care of them.
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From $10 \
Sarah C.
  • From $14
  • Norwich
A gentle animal lover happy to help
| I'm gentle and very loving with animals. I've been around dogs my whole life, walking and feeding them, and honestly think I'm pretty good with them. I have less experience with cats, but I'm still okay at handling them
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  • From $14
  • Norwich
A gentle animal lover happy to help
| I'm gentle and very loving with animals. I've been around dogs my whole life, walking and feeding them, and honestly think I'm pretty good with them. I have less experience with cats, but I'm still okay at handling them
... more
From $14 \
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Pet Care in Norwich

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