Child Care in Burgessville

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Karlie B.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Burgessville
Mother of 6 with lots of experience looking to help you with your family’s needs.
| I am a mother of 6, age range from 4 years to 19. I have my First Aid and CPR certificate and keep it current. I was a school bus driver for a few years I have experience in all shapes and forms of childhood and I. Excited to start this journey with you. childminder available
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Burgessville
Mother of 6 with lots of experience looking to help you with your family’s needs.
| I am a mother of 6, age range from 4 years to 19. I have my First Aid and CPR certificate and keep it current. I was a school bus driver for a few years I have experience in all shapes and forms of childhood and I. Excited to start this journey with you. childminder available
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Burgessville

When do you need child care?