Daycare in Sturgeon County

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Mindy F.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
New mom and want to help other new moms
| I am a mom of a 5 month old boy and I really love it! I know it can be a lot being a new mom and I would love to make a little extra money helping other moms and tiny humans. I am able to help out mainly in the evenings as my husband can take our little one. I can drive myself. I am also open to hosting your tiny human at my house.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
New mom and want to help other new moms
| I am a mom of a 5 month old boy and I really love it! I know it can be a lot being a new mom and I would love to make a little extra money helping other moms and tiny humans. I am able to help out mainly in the evenings as my husband can take our little one. I can drive myself. I am also open to hosting your tiny human at my house.
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From $20 per hour \
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Daycare in Sturgeon County

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