Special Needs Care in Sturgeon County

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Mary May P.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Hello! My name is Mary May, I’m 21 years old and I love animals, nature, and music!
| I’ve been working full time as a nanny for a special needs child for 1.5 years, I’ve been babysitting for another family for the past 5 years, and before that I worked a summer job as a camp counsellor, so I have a lot of experience with a lot of different kids! I play multiple instruments, was an honour student in English, and won awards for my artistic ability in high school. I have my own car, a non GDL class 5 drivers license, and I know CPR and basic first aid.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Hello! My name is Mary May, I’m 21 years old and I love animals, nature, and music!
| I’ve been working full time as a nanny for a special needs child for 1.5 years, I’ve been babysitting for another family for the past 5 years, and before that I worked a summer job as a camp counsellor, so I have a lot of experience with a lot of different kids! I play multiple instruments, was an honour student in English, and won awards for my artistic ability in high school. I have my own car, a non GDL class 5 drivers license, and I know CPR and basic first aid.
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From $20 per hour \
Terri H.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Edmonton
Everyone Matters. Everyone Deserves Respect. Everyone Deserves Love and Laughter.
| One of my greatest strengths is connecting with people on many levels. I have a unique ability to make others feel comfortable, confident and happy. My passion is definitely helping people feel empowered, worthy and appreciated as individuals regardless of what life situation they might be living with or going through at all stages of their lives. My favourite ‘job’ was being a Support Home Provider for 2 vulnerable people living with disabilities. So enriching for me and them as we discovered many things about ourselves that most may never care to discover. As well, I have provided respite care for others through Catholic Social Services and absolutely loved meeting them and discovering their individual needs, likes, dislikes and general ‘who I am’. I welcome the chance to meet you in person as it’s often difficult to capture the essence of a personality through written words. Should you be equally as interested please contact me anytime! Warmest regards, Terri
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  • From $30 /hr
  • Edmonton
Everyone Matters. Everyone Deserves Respect. Everyone Deserves Love and Laughter.
| One of my greatest strengths is connecting with people on many levels. I have a unique ability to make others feel comfortable, confident and happy. My passion is definitely helping people feel empowered, worthy and appreciated as individuals regardless of what life situation they might be living with or going through at all stages of their lives. My favourite ‘job’ was being a Support Home Provider for 2 vulnerable people living with disabilities. So enriching for me and them as we discovered many things about ourselves that most may never care to discover. As well, I have provided respite care for others through Catholic Social Services and absolutely loved meeting them and discovering their individual needs, likes, dislikes and general ‘who I am’. I welcome the chance to meet you in person as it’s often difficult to capture the essence of a personality through written words. Should you be equally as interested please contact me anytime! Warmest regards, Terri
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From $30 per hour \
Mark M.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Mentor for Youth on the autism spectrum.
| I have been employed by several families since I was 18 years old. My personal experience began essentially when I was diagnosed with autism at 4 years old, however my practical involvement as an advocate for people with autism started in my early teens when I did extensive seminars and educational and parent groups. Most of my employment was in Ontario. I moved to Alberta in 2009. I started mentoring youth when I was 17 years old. I deal exclusively with male clients, partly because , in my experience, the majority of professional assistant are female and I believe the relationship with the client is very important and I want to provide a male role model to adolescent youth and teens. The kind of work I do depends heavily on the needs of the client and family. The interaction and program is negotiated with the family. To give a few examples… I participate in physical recreation activities such as swimming, outdoor activities, interactional play, motivational dialogues, providing information and resources to the family and client. As I mentioned, it is highly individual based on the needs and preferences of the client and family.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Mentor for Youth on the autism spectrum.
| I have been employed by several families since I was 18 years old. My personal experience began essentially when I was diagnosed with autism at 4 years old, however my practical involvement as an advocate for people with autism started in my early teens when I did extensive seminars and educational and parent groups. Most of my employment was in Ontario. I moved to Alberta in 2009. I started mentoring youth when I was 17 years old. I deal exclusively with male clients, partly because , in my experience, the majority of professional assistant are female and I believe the relationship with the client is very important and I want to provide a male role model to adolescent youth and teens. The kind of work I do depends heavily on the needs of the client and family. The interaction and program is negotiated with the family. To give a few examples… I participate in physical recreation activities such as swimming, outdoor activities, interactional play, motivational dialogues, providing information and resources to the family and client. As I mentioned, it is highly individual based on the needs and preferences of the client and family.
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From $18 per hour \
Carolyn K.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Breton
Two years ago I worked for the School Division as an Educational Assistant and was paired with a teen who was diagnosed as "severely mentally handicapped with epilepsy". He could interact with us though and was a real character who I enjoyed working with very much. -I volunteered at a care home in Abbotsford years ago and would basically go and play cards with a gentleman who was a paraplegic and interact with whoever else was needing some attention. -When my kids were preschoolers we were part of a program would go to our local nursing home to play games or just visit with the residents there. -My nephew has autism and I wish I could spend after school time with him as my sister requires that but they live in Vernon, BC. -For four years I was in a program where they pair you with two students and you have bi-weekly visits with them. A few times I was paired with students who had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Breton
Two years ago I worked for the School Division as an Educational Assistant and was paired with a teen who was diagnosed as "severely mentally handicapped with epilepsy". He could interact with us though and was a real character who I enjoyed working with very much. -I volunteered at a care home in Abbotsford years ago and would basically go and play cards with a gentleman who was a paraplegic and interact with whoever else was needing some attention. -When my kids were preschoolers we were part of a program would go to our local nursing home to play games or just visit with the residents there. -My nephew has autism and I wish I could spend after school time with him as my sister requires that but they live in Vernon, BC. -For four years I was in a program where they pair you with two students and you have bi-weekly visits with them. A few times I was paired with students who had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
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From $15 per hour \
Jordan M.
  • From $19 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Early Childhood Educator
| I am currently working full-time as an early childhood educator in St.Albert and looking for more work part-time and weekends. I have almost 10 years working with kids of all ages and just over 3 years of working with children with special needs. I am looking forward to growing my experience and knowledge. I also have 4 years of janitorial/housekeeping experience which was fast paced and required me to adapt quickly. I am willing to obtain any needed certificates or licenses needed for the position.
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  • From $19 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Early Childhood Educator
| I am currently working full-time as an early childhood educator in St.Albert and looking for more work part-time and weekends. I have almost 10 years working with kids of all ages and just over 3 years of working with children with special needs. I am looking forward to growing my experience and knowledge. I also have 4 years of janitorial/housekeeping experience which was fast paced and required me to adapt quickly. I am willing to obtain any needed certificates or licenses needed for the position.
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From $19 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in Sturgeon County is between $18 and $23
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Special Needs Care in Sturgeon County

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