Senior Care in Sturgeon County

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Heather F.
1 Verification
  • From $21 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
1 Verification
Compassionate, caring, and patient, looking to share my time with the elderly in my community.
| Hi there, I have a passion for working with the elderly. I am extremely compassionate and patient and believe I would be an excellent companion. I have a special place in my heart for the elderly and know I could provide quality care and love. I have a degree in elementary education and have spent many years raising my three boys.
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  • From $21 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Compassionate, caring, and patient, looking to share my time with the elderly in my community.
| Hi there, I have a passion for working with the elderly. I am extremely compassionate and patient and believe I would be an excellent companion. I have a special place in my heart for the elderly and know I could provide quality care and love. I have a degree in elementary education and have spent many years raising my three boys.
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From $21 per hour \
Wendy S.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Offering “Mobile Manicure” Services
| I am a mature woman with 3 grown adult children. My life experiences and natural ability to get along with people makes this line of work a perfect fit. I am happy to offer a “mobile manicure” for your loved ones in the comfort of their home, as well as a friendly visit with compassionate care included.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Offering “Mobile Manicure” Services
| I am a mature woman with 3 grown adult children. My life experiences and natural ability to get along with people makes this line of work a perfect fit. I am happy to offer a “mobile manicure” for your loved ones in the comfort of their home, as well as a friendly visit with compassionate care included.
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From $20 per hour \
Gabrielle H.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
1 Verification
Caring, patient LPN student
| I love working with seniors- I volunteer with them regularly. I was my grandfather's carer for a long time. I will cook, clean, transport, entertain... anything a friend needs.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Caring, patient LPN student
| I love working with seniors- I volunteer with them regularly. I was my grandfather's carer for a long time. I will cook, clean, transport, entertain... anything a friend needs.
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From $16 per hour \
Ma Lorna C.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
My mom is 65 years old she got paralyzed on her left side. I was the one taking care of her.
| I am production worker before at Pet foods and currently a fulltime student at College Edmonton under Health Care Aide program. I am done on my clinical placement 1 at Extendicare long-term care facility for 80 hrs. I am production worker before. I have experienced in long-term care during my clinical placement 1 doing peri-care, giving bed bath and shower to senior resident, feeding, transferring from bed to wheel chair, commode, and wheelchair to bed, giving mouth care, changing bed sheet, and emptying the catheter and change it.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
My mom is 65 years old she got paralyzed on her left side. I was the one taking care of her.
| I am production worker before at Pet foods and currently a fulltime student at College Edmonton under Health Care Aide program. I am done on my clinical placement 1 at Extendicare long-term care facility for 80 hrs. I am production worker before. I have experienced in long-term care during my clinical placement 1 doing peri-care, giving bed bath and shower to senior resident, feeding, transferring from bed to wheel chair, commode, and wheelchair to bed, giving mouth care, changing bed sheet, and emptying the catheter and change it.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Melissa S.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
1 Verification
Caregiver provider
| I have worked in healthcare for over 19yrs worked in nursing homes private care and also with children with special needs. I love my job and taking care of people!
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • Sturgeon County
Caregiver provider
| I have worked in healthcare for over 19yrs worked in nursing homes private care and also with children with special needs. I love my job and taking care of people!
... more
From $23 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for senior caregivers in Sturgeon County is between $18 and $24
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Senior Care in Sturgeon County

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