Daycare in L'Ile-Bizard

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Elizabeth Z.
1 Verification
  • From $22 /hr
  • L'Ile-Bizard
1 Verification
Creating beautiful memories is what helps kids grow into amazing happy adults.
| My energy glows, I can’t stop smiling. I love to have fun! No doubt I’m righteous and fair. I consider myself to be an Intelligent, trustworthy & responsible educator with lots of experience in the daycare field, currently looking for a job in the area. I have 2 kids of my own in school and I'm looking for a fresh new start. I’m willing to try new things
... more
  • From $22 /hr
  • L'Ile-Bizard
Creating beautiful memories is what helps kids grow into amazing happy adults.
| My energy glows, I can’t stop smiling. I love to have fun! No doubt I’m righteous and fair. I consider myself to be an Intelligent, trustworthy & responsible educator with lots of experience in the daycare field, currently looking for a job in the area. I have 2 kids of my own in school and I'm looking for a fresh new start. I’m willing to try new things
... more
From $22 per hour \
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Daycare in L'Ile-Bizard

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