Daycare in Pincourt

Select from 308 day caregivers near you.

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Rola A.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Pincourt
Providing daycare and babysitting
| A safe and happy learning place for your child- A peace in your mind. Let your child grow in faith, love, confidence and independence. Why me ? -Interactive learning trough music and mouvement -creative activities and educational games -first aid and CPR licensed -13 years of work experience with children in different ages -homemade meals and healthy snacks -Clean, bright and non smoking home environment -safe outdoor play -References
... more
  • From $13 /hr
  • Pincourt
Providing daycare and babysitting
| A safe and happy learning place for your child- A peace in your mind. Let your child grow in faith, love, confidence and independence. Why me ? -Interactive learning trough music and mouvement -creative activities and educational games -first aid and CPR licensed -13 years of work experience with children in different ages -homemade meals and healthy snacks -Clean, bright and non smoking home environment -safe outdoor play -References
... more
From $13 per hour \
Janet O.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Pincourt
I am looking for a childcare job so that I can apply my expertise. Thank you in advance.
| I have worked with children for more than 10 years as teacher including children with special needs. Currently, I am working as a daycare teacher . Thanks looking forward to hear from you soon.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Pincourt
I am looking for a childcare job so that I can apply my expertise. Thank you in advance.
| I have worked with children for more than 10 years as teacher including children with special needs. Currently, I am working as a daycare teacher . Thanks looking forward to hear from you soon.
... more
From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in Pincourt

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