Child Care in Herring Cove

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Anjilique N.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Herring Cove
1 Verification
Experienced nanny available for hire.
| Hello parents, My name is Anjie. I am an experienced nanny in the Halifax area. Throughout my career I have worked with a number of worked with a number of wonderful families, each with unique needs. My duties often included childcare, house cleaning, pet care, laundry, meal prep and errand running. I have worked with children of all ages and abilities.I Excelled at providing in-home care for infants, toddlers and children ranging from newborn to age 16. As well as Accommodated last-minute schedule changes and adhered to parent guidelines and cultural mores governing the care, safety, education and enrichment of their children. -Assimilated into households with diverse traditions, routines and religious/dietary practices. -Ensured client privacy in handling confidential family matters. My CPR and first aid are always kept up to date to ensure your family’s safety. I enjoy a fun filled day of playing, laughing and learning. I am happy to take your children to any activities that you may have scheduled as well. I have my own transportation and am available to work anywhere within the HRM. I look forward to meeting your family and learning more about your needs.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Herring Cove
Experienced nanny available for hire.
| Hello parents, My name is Anjie. I am an experienced nanny in the Halifax area. Throughout my career I have worked with a number of worked with a number of wonderful families, each with unique needs. My duties often included childcare, house cleaning, pet care, laundry, meal prep and errand running. I have worked with children of all ages and abilities.I Excelled at providing in-home care for infants, toddlers and children ranging from newborn to age 16. As well as Accommodated last-minute schedule changes and adhered to parent guidelines and cultural mores governing the care, safety, education and enrichment of their children. -Assimilated into households with diverse traditions, routines and religious/dietary practices. -Ensured client privacy in handling confidential family matters. My CPR and first aid are always kept up to date to ensure your family’s safety. I enjoy a fun filled day of playing, laughing and learning. I am happy to take your children to any activities that you may have scheduled as well. I have my own transportation and am available to work anywhere within the HRM. I look forward to meeting your family and learning more about your needs.
... more
From $20 per hour \
1 Verification
  • From $35 /hr
  • Herring Cove
1 Verification
My name is Anita, I am a certified continuing care Assistant.
| I have over 15 years of experience as a child care minder. I am also a mother of 5 children and know how to care for children even with disabilities.
... more
  • From $35 /hr
  • Herring Cove
My name is Anita, I am a certified continuing care Assistant.
| I have over 15 years of experience as a child care minder. I am also a mother of 5 children and know how to care for children even with disabilities.
... more
From $35 per hour \
Tina S.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Herring Cove
Kind, polite mannered, it's all about keeping the little ones occupied and busy
| I have a 22-year-old under 16 year old so I have plenty of experience as I've been looking after and babysitting children my whole life, it's about keeping them safe and happy,
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Herring Cove
Kind, polite mannered, it's all about keeping the little ones occupied and busy
| I have a 22-year-old under 16 year old so I have plenty of experience as I've been looking after and babysitting children my whole life, it's about keeping them safe and happy,
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Herring Cove

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