Child Care in Whites Lake

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Kat G.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Whites Lake
Affordable childcare in White’s Lake
| I have a sweet little 7 month old little boy and looking to open my home up to offer affordable child care services. I have a few years experience nannying for two separate families. I also teach children’s circus part-time in Halifax and was previously an educator at Hope For wildlife. Very flexible with hours/schedule to fit your needs. I’d provide healthy snacks and lunches and also cloth diaper friendly! Preference will be given to younger children as I would love for them to be closer to my son’s age. Only two spots available! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I can also send you my parent handbook/contract for you to review.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Whites Lake
Affordable childcare in White’s Lake
| I have a sweet little 7 month old little boy and looking to open my home up to offer affordable child care services. I have a few years experience nannying for two separate families. I also teach children’s circus part-time in Halifax and was previously an educator at Hope For wildlife. Very flexible with hours/schedule to fit your needs. I’d provide healthy snacks and lunches and also cloth diaper friendly! Preference will be given to younger children as I would love for them to be closer to my son’s age. Only two spots available! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I can also send you my parent handbook/contract for you to review.
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From $13 per hour \
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Child Care in Whites Lake

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