Special Needs Care in Herring Cove

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Hannah F.
  • From $23 /hr
  • Herring Cove
CTRS employed in human services
| I am a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) currently working as the team lead for recreation programming at a day program for adults with IDD. I have been employed with this organization for just over one year. I am comfortable providing care for anyone with an intellectual or developmental disability, and strive to incorporate meaningful recreation experiences into my work. I am currently available evenings and weekends.
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  • From $23 /hr
  • Herring Cove
CTRS employed in human services
| I am a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) currently working as the team lead for recreation programming at a day program for adults with IDD. I have been employed with this organization for just over one year. I am comfortable providing care for anyone with an intellectual or developmental disability, and strive to incorporate meaningful recreation experiences into my work. I am currently available evenings and weekends.
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From $23 per hour \
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Special Needs Care in Herring Cove

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