Child Care in Chemainus

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Catherine F.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Chemainus
I am a Jill of All Trades. I am reliable, attentive and thoroughly capable.
| Hello, I hope this finds you well, I have a plethora of experience with all types of childcare. I am an auntie of 6 children ages 0-13years old, which you could say has contributed to my never ending patience! I have my food safe, first aid and lifeguard training. I have consistently been taking care of a variety of special needs children, highly active children, and children that prefer to be self-sufficient. I believe in keeping children active and maintaining manners and I greatly enjoy helping kids learn and develop. I am currently seeking employment in childcare so as to continue learning how to better attend to children and to be a helping hand to local families.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Chemainus
I am a Jill of All Trades. I am reliable, attentive and thoroughly capable.
| Hello, I hope this finds you well, I have a plethora of experience with all types of childcare. I am an auntie of 6 children ages 0-13years old, which you could say has contributed to my never ending patience! I have my food safe, first aid and lifeguard training. I have consistently been taking care of a variety of special needs children, highly active children, and children that prefer to be self-sufficient. I believe in keeping children active and maintaining manners and I greatly enjoy helping kids learn and develop. I am currently seeking employment in childcare so as to continue learning how to better attend to children and to be a helping hand to local families.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Chemainus

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